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Internet 2017-04-26T09:22:21+00:00


Internet is the network of network. With Internet any information on the universe is just a mouse click away. So many people around the world are connected through various Internet services. With Internet communication is no longer a problem. Two people from opposite sides of the world can communicate through Internet. Internet have influence on all fields of life. From work to entertainment, communication to knowledge every field is dependent on Internet now. The most cost effective way to this world of wonders is broadband Internet.

Internet is a very good place for advertising. Companies can create their own Websites or buy their domains. In this modern competitive world it is very difficult to succeed without Internet and Internet based applications. In all the developed as well as developing countries the Internet usage has been increased into its peak when compared to the past years. United States is first in this row. Our India is also in the lead. Being the centre of outsourcing there is an increased usage of Internet in India.

Though there are so many broadband services, we offer the best in the field. Our powerful global network has become popular soon after its launching. Based on dual ring fibre architecture with FTTB (Fibre to the building) We provide great access speed and incomparable up time. Only We provide a reliable service supported by industry leading service level agreements (SLAs). The wholly- owned 10 Gbps data backbone helps to monitor everyday throughout the year without any fail.

We have come up with a bandwidths from 64 kbps to 100 kbps without bringing any change in the last mile copper offering a high quality performance. We also offer a Metro Ethernet option for the enterprise customers. The main aim of Metro Ethernet is to substantially decrease the expenditure of high bandwidth circuits.

The attractive features of our Broadband are end to end architecture, national fibre optic backbone, international cable systems, Internet gateways, single unified interface, with complete E-solutions spectrum including broadband Internet bandwidth, domain registration, bandwidth, mailing solutions and data centre services. we also offer approximately 40000 square feet of data centre space.